A word from our CEO “Foxx”
P.O.L.E. has been able to reach the hearts and souls of our loved ones through gift services for inmates. My fiancé has worked tirelessly structuring our company to help inmates stay connected with their children and families.
As a convicted felon serving over 11 years now, I know the frustration of not having the means or outside support to handle certain affairs in a timely manner, and that is why we started P.O.L.E. Personal Assistant. During the pandemic, P.O.L.E. Personal Assistant was able to help inmates receive their stimuluses, by dealing with the IRS directly for those of us that did not have family to help us.
As P.O.L.E. continues to grow, we appreciate all the love and support from all our customers. There will be many additions coming in the near future, including special features for inmates. We will spotlight an inmate artist, poet or writer that submits their own version of what “Prisoners of Love & Equality” means to them. Submit entries by June 30th annually to be considered for the next catalog print.
We strive to bring great products & service to the inmate population in a cost-efficient manner. We value your input, comments, and reviews. Send them on the back of any order form, separate sheet of paper or email us to emails2pole@gmail.com. Corrlinks are welcome. Thank you!
We ask that you continue to enjoy all that we offer, support & share us with all inmates needing P.O.L.E. services. Best wishes & God bless!
Chief Executive Officer, P.O.L.E. LLC

P.O.L.E. was started by my fiancé “Foxx” and I to give the inmate population a fair opportunity to send their loved one’s love & support while incarcerated. We know there are several companies that offer the same opportunity. The main difference between our company and theirs is that we operate with integrity. There is no price gouging taking advantage of what is already an unfortunate situation, and we pride ourselves with exceptional customer service.
We are here to help with any assistance an inmate may need that is legal. We have assisted over 100 inmates obtain their Economic Impact Payment Stimulus electronically, this year and continue to monitor the developments of more opportunities like this. With our personal shopper and personal assistant, inmates can obtain any information that cannot be searched inside the facilities.
The long-term goals of P.O.L.E. is to use profits from the gift catalog to form transitional homes & assistance programs throughout the country for inmates getting out and have nowhere to turn. This includes identification replacement, job training & placement assistance, housing, etc. The U.S. government makes extremely too much money off incarceration, especially in the black & brown communities. We are here to do our part in stopping recidivism.
We appreciate feedback and comments on what we are doing for the inmate population. Even though Foxx has been incarcerated over the past 10 years and has insight on the needs of the inmates, we value your ideas on gift items to add to the annual catalog, other services inmates may need from the outside, topics you would like to see in our Newsletter coming soon and anything else that may help us help you.
Maxcieen Wilson
Chief Operating Officer, P.O.L.E. LLC